Project Details of Bench Mark Group Website Development
Client: Bench Mark Group
Year: 2014
Timeframe: 6 months
Main Service: Website Development
Return Over Investment: 94%
Bench Mark Group Website Development
Introduction of Bench Mark Group Website Development. Use a value discipline in acquiring and developing prime real estate, while offering investors an attractive return with minimal exposure to risk, and to provide timely and accurate reporting.
Promote an open management style that encourages communication, personal growth and enjoyment of life at work with a constant emphasis on integrity.
To grow in a careful and balanced way while responding and adapting creatively to inevitable changes in the marketplace.
A total portfolio that is valued at close to one billion dollars, including 6,000 apartment units in 12 states and nearly 4,000,000 square feet of retail space in 11 states.
Success navigating through both “up” and “down” business cycles; understanding and responding to continually changing legal, tax, regulatory and financial environments; and adhering to the business principles of professionalism, integrity and discipline.
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