Portfolio Description

Project Details

Client: Good Loop

Year: 2019

Timeframe: 2 months

Main ServiceDigital Marketing

Return Over Investment: 81%

Good Loop , Digital Markting

Within one week of posting this, Amy received an email from Daniel Winterstein, an experienced software engineer who was running a tech consultancy in Scotland. He was feeling frustrated with online advertising and had a keen desire to build something that would make the world a little bit better. They founded Good-Loop together in October 2016, on a mission to make the internet a more positive place. The founding team included experienced colleagues from earlier projects: Ryan Cochrane, Daniel Appel, and Roscoe McInerney. Not long after that, Good-Loop secured investment from Collider, London's top Marketing Tech startup accelerator, and they were off to the races.

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softglaze portfolio
softglaze portfolio

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