Portfolio Description

Project Details

Client: Elizabeth Dole Foundation

Year: 2019

Timeframe: 4 months

Main Service: Search Engine Optimization

Return Over Investment: 86%

Elizabeth Dole Foundation website
The Elizabeth Dole Foundation is the preeminent organization empowering, supporting, and honoring our nation’s 5.5 million military caregivers; the spouses, parents, family members, and friends who care for America’s wounded, ill, or injured veterans. Founded by Senator Elizabeth Dole in 2012, the Foundation adopts a comprehensive approach in its advocacy, working with leaders in the public, private, nonprofit and faith communities to recognize military caregivers’ service and promote their well-being.
Strengthen, empower, and support America’s military and veteran caregivers and their families by raising public awareness, driving research, championing policy, and leading collaborations that make a significant impact on their lives.
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