This week’s news in digital advertising. Tikor introduces Instant Pages for in app browsing directly from ads And WordPress 5.9 goes live with a full-site. Editing experience for WordPress. Site owners Google confirms testing favicons in Search Ads Instagram introduces subscription feature for paid users to view exclusive content. Instagram expands response options in Stories Instagram adds scheduled live stream display on user profiles;
Current events, trends, and information are describe in full here: Editing experience

Google Is Trying Out Icon Banner Ads With Favicons
Google has Editing experience confirm. That favicons are being teste inside Search Ads in an effort to better assist consumers in recognizing certain brands and advertisers within the context of a particular search.
The Burk Digital Factory’s Darcy Burk saw an Uber Eats search advertisement including a pizza emoji and tweeted about it. This is part of a series of minor tests to enable people more readily identify. The brand or advertiser link with the Search advertising they may encounter for a specific. Query says Ginny Marvin of Google through the Ads Liaison Twitter account.
In the above screenshot, the ad makes use of the globe symbol
That appears when no favicon is specific, however the emoji pizza used placeholder favicon.

However, Google may be trying this to determine whether it’s worth pushing out to a larger audience, despite the fact that placing emojis on advertising is against Editing experience Google ads regulations.
Users may now buy access to premium content on Instagram and Tikor.
Paid memberships for creators are announce on Instagram and Tikor.
Some American content producers and influencers seen experimenting paid subscriptions which enable them to charge their fans a recurring price in exchange for premium material videos and tales. A purple badge appears next to the user’s name and subscription information inside the app.
Using screenshots, Twitter user @salman memom 7 demonstrated how to subscribe to certain content producer accounts on Instagram.

A membership in the US is expect to cost anything from $0.99 per month to $99.99 per month, according to a study.
In contrast, TikTok has announced that it is developing premium subscriptions, which will enable content producers on the network to earn money from their videos. The possibility Editing experience to tip producers on TikTok already exists, so the distribution of unique material behind a barrier may help establish a reliable income for creators on the network.
Polls on Instagram Stories now have more options for user input.
Instagram has expanded the Poll sticker’s answer choices in Stories in an effort to boost interaction.
The Poll sticker in Instagram Stories has been behind the scenes to allow for up to four answer possibilities, up from the previous two.
The screenshots of this update were tweet: Editing experience
Brands and marketers alike may benefit greatly from this novel channel’s attractive new potential for easy communication and expanded exposure.

Poll sticker question wording may now be customise to your preferred colour, as report
Both are very minor changes, but the improvements they provide in terms of practicality are welcome additions that will facilitate audience interaction with brands and advertising.
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