Project Details
Client: New Man MD Plastic Surgery
Year: 2015
Timeframe: 3 months
Main Service: Website Copy & Content Writing
Return Over Investment: 89%
New Man MD Plastic Surgery, Website Copy and Content Writing
Whether you desire a more youthful, awake appearance, or wish to alter your breast size and shape, we can help. At Newman, MD Plastic Surgery there are several different options to achieve your desired look, helping you feel your absolute best.
Facial rejuvenation starts with prevention. Start by taking care of your skin now. An excellent skin care regimen such as Theraderm can maintain healthy skin. Gentle but thorough wash, exfoliation, repair, and hydration. Keep it simple and it will be much more simple to follow! Wear sunscreen, and ladies, wear mineral makeup with a built in sunscreen to keep the UV rays from damaging your skin. Since aging decreases the rate of exfoliation a series of exfoliating peels like Jessner's or Lactic Acid and/or microdermabrasion will keep the luster and help keep pore size under control. For already damaged skin to repair and thicken (decrease wrinkles) a TCA Frost Peel will penetrate and thicken the deeper dermal layer of the skin. A bit of downtime, but the results are worth it. Finally quit smoking. Smoking and the toxins related are terrible for your health in general, but specifically accelerate facial aging by ruining the elastin and collagen in your skin.